I obtained my Masters in Counseling Psychology in the US in 1989. After having worked with abused adolescents for some years in Texas, I eventually relocated back to my ‘home town’ Limassol as a school counselor still in the notion that I would make a difference ‘one kid at a time.’ However, working in a school setting gave me better perspective when it became apparent that contemporary classrooms had remained just as passive, crowded and indifferent to student needs and abilities as in my own student days. Thus I embarked upon an incredible odyssey to rescue education from schools; full of sirens, cyclops, and blind, byzantine bureaucracy!
After co-founding the Lighthouse in 2011, besides working on building our new campus for primary and secondary education, I am currently ‘all-in’ on re-conceptualizing the educational paradigm so that it is a proactive partnership with students, AI agency, open-source, engaging and deeply evolutionary.
“The only path to an accountable and meaningful society is directly through an accountable and meaningful education!” How do we get there from here? Come join the discussion!